The Project Affordable Housing (PPAH) is located at National Road 21, Toul krosang
village, Roka Kpous commune, Sa Ang District, Kandal Province. It is about 21 km from the
center of Phnom Penh and the nearest town to the affordable housing project is the town of
Takhmau which is at around 6 km away.
“Architectural & Engineering Design & Management Throughout S.E Asia”

The total land area of this development is 46 ha and consists of 2 phases of development; Phase 1 (current development) and Phase 2 (For future development). The development for phase 1 consists of the following:
- Land area is 24 ha.
- Housing: 2300 units.
- Two type of housing: Type 1 (4m x 7m) and Type 2 (6m x 7m).
- Three blocks of shops consists of 34 unit of shops.
- One block of market with six blocks of car park.
- Infrastructure works consist of the following; Asphaltic concrete road system (10m, 7.7m, 7.5m, 6.6m and 6m wide) completed with road shoulders and walkways, landscape park area, water & electricity supply, street lightings, drainage system and security fences at the development perimeter.